Taking time for yourself and prioritising self care is an important part of your teaching journey. When starting out, it can feel overwhelming and daunting on how to get started, where to teach, class planning ect. This is why it is so important to look after your mental and physical health in these early days.
Whether you are teaching full time or doing it on the side of your full time job, instructing is a career that revolves around your clients and their needs. This is why it is so crucial to have methods and tools to look after yourself.
What are some of Fluidform’s favourite ways to look after yourself?
- Create an attainable and healthy morning routine. Starting the day off on the right foot can change the whole course of your day. Getting in your own movement, whether that be a walk or a workout, meditation or nourishing your body with the right foods are all ways to show yourself love and appreciation.
- Find one hour a day for yourself. Whether that be before or after teaching, make sure that you have a daily hour just for you. Some of our favourite ways to spend our time off are reading, going for a walk, getting some movement in, going to an infrared sauna or creating a meal which nourishes the body.
- Take time to work on your own Pilates practice. If teaching for 5,6 + hours a day, it can become more difficult to get your own movement in. Even just 20 minutes a day will dramatically improve your mood and mental wellbeing. Not only will working on your own practice improve your mental health, it will also help and further your skills and knowledge as an instructor, allowing you to understand what feels good on the body, and harnessing the power of your own mind-body connection.
- Getting the right nutrition is key when going through a long day of teaching. You are on your feet all day, therefore being nourished and energised by the food you consume is highly important. Eating a nourishing breakfast which incorporates healthy fats, carbs, fibre and protein to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day will help you keep energised and sustained throughout the day. Some of our Fluidform favourites include Chia seed pudding with walnuts and berries, Porridge with nut butter, chia seeds, banana and berries, or poached eggs with avocado, seeded bread and hemp seeds. Lowering your coffee intake and replacing it with a more stable and slow release form of caffeine such as matcha will help anyone who gets those coffee jitters throughout the day.
- Talk to fellow instructors about their journey. Discussing the positives and challenges with a fellow instructor can alleviate stress and anxiety, knowing you are not alone. The thoughts and feelings you may be having, is almost guaranteed others feel them too.

The journey to becoming an instructor is highly rewarding and exciting, however it is still so important to take time for yourself as you explore this new career path. Fluidform training is here with you every step of the way of your journey. Any questions you may have throughout your training, we are always here to help. We also have a facebook group so you can ask your peers any questions or queries, or to just discuss Pilates/ life with!
If you want to get started on your own teaching journey or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at training@fluidform.com.au.