

As an active mover, you will understand the power of cues. Specific and considered cues have the ability to help you understand a movement, activate every muscle in your body and feel that deep tremor. The right cue is a true light bulb moment!

A great instructor will use clear, simple and intentional cues. A great instructor will control the room, bring energy to the class and change the whole feeling of a movement. There are some key practices that can help you find this cue as an instructor.


A key component of Fluidform Training is self-mastery and being able to feel the movement in your own body. Using your self-mastery to practice your cueing allows you to organise your instructions and elevate your teaching. Finding cues you can relate to, brings flow, simplicity and authenticity to your teaching.


Some clients need cueing to help them slow down and control the movement, others need them as encouragement to get through those last 3 reps.

As you do with your teaching and programming, read the room and adjust your cueing and instructions to suit your class. To bring awareness and control back to the movement, let your clients know what they will be feeling. “You will be feeling this in your supporting leg, keep going!”. A simple cue lets them know they are performing it correctly and should be feeling it.

Counting is also a great cue, counting down helps your clients keep pace, momentum and give them a finish line.

Recording yourself teaching can be a great tool for improving your teaching and finding your cues. Challenge yourself to move through each movement with your eyes closed, purely by following your instructions.

  • Did you provide visual references?
  • Did you set up the position clearly?
  • Did you guide the whole movement?
  • Did you remind your client of the purpose and where they should be feeling the movement?
  • Did you count correctly?

Cueing is essential to your teaching to ensure your client achieves the most of our every movement. Finding your cues will take your programming from a workout to an experience, capturing your clients to ensure they get the most out of every movement.