
How To Build a Balanced Plate

Building a balanced plate is the basic formula to optimising your health, supporting your goals, increasing your energy and nourishing your body.  

The 5 fundamentals to building a balanced plate. 

  1. Fibre-rich Carbohydrates  

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy, providing you with fuel in order to function and perform.

  • Starchy vegetables: sweet potato and carrots 
  • Legumes: beans and lentils  
  • Whole grains: quinoa, rice and oats  
  1. Non starchy vegetables  

Vegetables are abundant sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, enhancing not only the nutritional values of your meals but also adding extra flavour, colour and texture to your plate.  

  • Leafy greens  
  • Tomatoes 
  • Eggplant  
  • Celery  
  • Asparagus  
  1. Protein   

Protein plays a vital role in the body, facilitating the building and repair of bones, muscles, and skin, while also contributing to the regulation of hormones and blood sugar levels.  

  • Nuts, seeds and legumes  
  • Greek yoghurt  
  • Nut butter  
  • Eggs 
  • Chicken 
  • Tofu  
  1. Healthy Fats  

Healthy fats help to keep the body satiated, offering sustained energy, and supporting essential functions such as brain and nervous system health, cardiovascular wellbeing, and efficient nutrient absorption.  

  • Avocado  
  • Nuts and seeds 
  • Fatty fish  
  • Olives 
  • Olive, coconut, sesame and peanut oils 
  1. Herbs and spices  

Incorporating herbs and spices into your meals is a great way at increasing the nutritional value and health benefits of each meal, as well as enhancing the overall flavour.  

  • Basil, rosemary, thyme  
  • Turmeric, cinnamon, paprika  

Tips to building a balanced plate  

  1. Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables  
  2. Fill ¼ of your plate with fibre rich carbohydrates  
  3. Fill ¼ of your plate with a lean protein source  
  4. Add 1 tbsp of healthy fats  
  5. Add herbs, spices or seasonings 

The link between diet and exercise

A well-planned and balanced diet is essential for achieving results, reducing risk of injury, improving recovery and enhancing performance. While exercise enhances physical fitness and strength, diet provides the necessary nutrients needed to fuel and replenish the body.   

The exertion of energy during exercise results in the depletion of the body’s energy stores (glycogen). Fuelling and replenishing the body with quality protein, fats and carbohydrates provide the building blocks necessary for restoring energy (glycogen) levels, prompting muscle repair and growth.  

The importance of timing  

Pre-workout nutrition provides the body with necessary energy to sustain physical activity, optimising performance, enhancing endurance and supporting muscle recovery. Aim to eat a balanced pre-workout meal/snack containing carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats 1-3 hours before exercising.  

Refuelling and replenishing within 30-60 minutes after exercise maximises the body’s enhanced capacity to replenish energy stores and absorb nutrients. This facilitates a faster recovery and kickstarts the rebuilding and repair process of muscles.  

Pre Workout meal ideas: 

Post workouts meal ideas: