
A Nutritionists Day on a Plate 

Ever wondered what fuels our instructor, Hattie, who is also a qualified nutritionist? From breakfast to dinner, discover her favourite Fluidform meals that keep her energised and focused throughout the day.

A day on my plate varies from day to day, but I always prioritise nourishing my body with wholefoods and balanced meals. Each meals aims to incorporate as much colour and variety as possible with a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables within each meal.   


Golden Chia and Coconut Pudding 

A nutrient packed breakfast that provides a balance of healthy fats, carbohydrates and protein. Offering sustained energy, digestive support and anti-inflammatory properties for the day ahead. 

I add a serve of protein powder to increase my daily intake!


Faro, beet and poached chicken salad

A satisfying lunch combining faro, beets and chicken to offer a balanced and wholesome meal. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from the array of nuts, seeds and vegetables.  


Braised Tomato and Herb Fish

A light and flavour packed dinner that is super quick and easy to prepare, supporting and aiding nightly digestion.  


Super Seed Banana Loaf

A fibre rich snack packed with a variety of seeds offering a source of plant-based protein, healthy fats and antioxidants. A great and convenient option to meal prep and have throughout the week.