Our feet are the foundation of our entire body.
Our feet undergo a lot of stress as they support the weight of our body and absorb impact when we walk, run, jump and move. A quarter of the bones in our bodies are located in our feet. When the muscles, joints and tendons in our feet are weak or out of balance, it can impact our knees, hips and torso.
It is important for our feet to be strong and mobile to support our posture and bodily movements. There are 29 muscles directly linked or attached to the foot from our lower leg, through to our ankle, heels and down to our toes. To build strength, mobility and alignment, we must not only address the foot but our ankle and leg.

Take a few minutes every day to spend time on your feet barefoot. This might seem insignificant, but time spent with your feet connected to the ground supports your vestibular system – which controls your sense of balance, spatial orientation and coordination. Beyond this, time spent barefoot, unsupported with socks or shoes helps to strengthen your feet and ankles.
You want to balance stretching and releasing the joints and muscles in your feet with strengthening. It is important to include a combination of both on a daily basis. Not sure where to begin?
Stretch & Release
- Stretch – Using your theraband under the ball of your foot, move your foot through the different positions including pointed, flexed, internal and external rotation.
- Place a small tennis ball, Pilates ball or foam roller beneath your foot and calf to release the intrinsic muscles in your foot and ankles.

- Toe scrunches – Place your foot onto a towel and try and scrunch the towel using your toes. This will strengthen your toes and deep foot muscles that support your arch.
- Calf raises – on the floor or using a step, lift and lower your heels into a deep flexed position to strengthen your arches, ankles and lower legs.
- Jumping – add skipping to your workouts for a more dynamic movement, to strengthen your muscles and bones. When you practise gradual and effective impact movements, your bones will build and maintain strength.
At the end of the day, spend some time with your feet elevated against a wall. This encourages blood flow, reduces inflammation and feels amazing.
Try these workouts for strong, mobile and balanced feet.