Achieving optimal health enables us to show up for ourselves and others, reach our goals, feel great within our bodies and be the best versions of ourselves. Here are some easy habits to incorporate in your day for a vibrant life.
Vitamin D
Daily, careful sun exposure boosts vitamin D levels, releases serotonin, supports bone health and improves sleep quality. Individual needs vary, but aiming for 5-15 minutes is a great place to start.
Move your body
It is no secret that working out does wonders for our bodies and brain. Aim for 20 minutes of targeted movements a day and consider. Consider walking instead of driving where possible, taking the stairs or parking a little further away than you normally would.
Drink high quality water
Start each day with a tall glass of water. Opt for filtered and room temperature where possible. The quality of our water is equally as important as how much of it we are drinking.
Focus on sleep hygiene
Set yourself up for a deep, peaceful nights sleep. Build your own nighttime routine. Try integrating these simple steps into your evenings for a better night’s sleep and wake up feeling energised.
- Brew a pot of your favourite herbal tea. Try our Ginger & Lemon Detox Tea.
- Have a magnesium bath once a week.
- Light an oil burner or diffuser with relaxation scents. Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Cedarwood are essential oils with relaxation properties to calm the body and mind and prepare for sleep. Try our Fluidform Pour La Méditation Essential Oil & Oil Burner.
- Reduce screen time one hour before bed. Swap your phone for a book or practice meditation or breathwork. Try our Relaxation Series.
Practise gratitude and positive self talk
Writing down, or mentally listing the things we are grateful for can boost both our mental and physical health and increase our positive emotions. Positive self talk and affirmation helps us build confidence, increases self-esteem and gives us the mental skills to help with hardship and challenges.
Try cold therapy
Give yourself an instant energy boost that is more effective than your morning cup of coffee. Consider trying an ice bath or finishing your shower with the coldest temperature for 30 seconds. Cold therapy boosts energy levels, improves circulation and reduces inflammation.

Invest your time well
Healthy relationships are imperative to good health. After spending time with someone does your energy feel restored or depleted? Do you feel heard and seen? Consider your circle and how those around make you feel.
Eat healthy fats
Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, salmon, ghee and nuts boost have been proven to boost cognition, help absorb vitamins, increase satiety and reduce blood sugar spikes and crashes. Aim to incorporate at least one healthy fat source with each meal. Try our favourites:
Roasted Spring Vegetable Salad
Practice breath work
Breath work doesn’t need to be complicated, it can be as simple as 3 deep breaths at every red traffic light, or a sequence of box breathing once a day (in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4). Breath work improves oxygen capacity in the blood, lowers blood pressure and helps our body and brain to relax and move into parasympathetic mode. Try our relaxation series to practice your breathing:
Nourish your brain and body
Eating well is beneficial to every aspect of our health. Invest your time into supporting every aspect of your biology by planning, cooking and eating nutrient dense meals. Cooking should not be a chore, it is a fundamental way to nourish our bodies, enjoy the process!