Health, Nutrition

Sick of feeling bloated? Relief & Prevention.

Are you sick of feeling bloated?

Bloating is an uncomfortable tightness in your gut caused by a buildup of intestinal gas. Bloating is a common symptom to a number of lifestyle factors and underlying health issues, and we recommend seeking advice if the pain or frequency of your bloating worsens.

One of the common causes of bloating is consuming too much of something your body disagrees with. And this is something we can help with. One road to relieving and preventing bloat starts with mindful consumption – understanding which foods support your digestive health and avoiding your triggers. Natural cleansing is a helpful tool to reset your body and reduce inflammation and toxins which may trigger your bloating.

A general guide to cleansing (and our simple approach to cleansing at home) starts with daily movement, drinking plenty of water, incorporating natural detoxifiers such as herbal teas and ginger, and eliminating those inflammatory foods in your diet.

This includes anything processed such a processed meats, sugars and carbohydrates. Think anything served in a packet or by general rule of thumb, anything with over 10 ingredients. White bread, cookies, alcohol and dairy in some cases, are triggering foods which can be particularly debilitating for someone with gut sensitivities or underlying gut issues.

The Fluidform at Home Meal Plans focus on ingredients for natural detoxification, certified by our Fluidform Nutritionist. You will experience the healing powers of natural cleansing by eliminating inflammatory foods, without compromising taste and nourishment.