
Fluidform for ENERGY

Are you lacking energy or feeling sluggish?

One of the best ways to find energy is to MOVE! Effective, considered movement will wake up your entire body and leave you feeling refreshed and recharged.

Exercise promotes blood flow through the body and into our organs. At Fluidform, we focus on our BREATH to support our movements. Fluidform cues an inhale to prepare for the movement and exhale to move through the movement. This increase in oxygen to the brain, body and blood flow generates energy and may improve your mood and focus. 

Looking for a quick boost of ENERGY?

Wherever you are right now, stand up and find the back of a chair, lounge or bench. Come with me and follow along!

1st set: Stand tall, with a light grip on your barre of choice and feet parallel, hip distance apart.

  • 15 x plies 
  • 15 x mid-way pulses 
  • 15 x plies with heels raised 
  • 15 x mid-way pulses with heels raised 

2nd set: Step away from your barre and find your parallel position.

  • 15 x plies with hands on your hips 
  • 15 x mid-way pulses
  • 15 x plies with arms moving up and down in front of you 
  • 15 x mid-way pulses with arms holding above your head 

Repeat both sets x 3 for a total body challenge promoting blood flow through the entire body.

Support your movement with nutrition for energy! Here are the key ingredients to look to boost and sustain your energy levels.

  • Banana – Bananas are a great on-the-go snack to boost energy thanks to their high fibre and B-vitamin content. As an added bonus, bananas are rich in potassium which can help with muscle function.
  • Oats – Oats are a complex carb, which make them the perfect food for slow-releasing energy. Oats are also rich in thiamin, niacin and folate which aid in their energy boosting properties. Opt for whole grain or steel cut oats where possible.
  • Cinnamon – Cinnamon is great for keeping your blood sugar levels stable, which in turn helps to stabilise energy levels and keep you firing throughout the day, without the sugar crash. Add a shake of cinnamon to your next smoothie or fruit salad.
  • Dates – Dates are high in natural sugar and can give you a quick burst of energy.  To reap the benefits of dates, pair them with a fat, like almond butter, where possible to stabilise blood sugar levels. 
  • Sweet Potato – Sweet potatoes are a complex carb and are a great source of beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Add a handful of roast sweet potato to your salad for a slow-releasing energy hit. 

Try our three recipes for ENERGY including Kee’s go-to breakfast smoothies filled with energising properties to keep you fuelled all morning.

Start your day with this Breakfast Swirl Smoothie

Refuel for lunch with a Lemongrass Beef Bowl

Re-energise with Spiced Banana & Oat Cookies