“There aren’t many competitions where you are able to walk away and be reminded of the win in your overall body transformation – it’s such an amazing feeling.”
1. What did a typical day look like for you before Fluidform?
I had my first baby in early 2021, away from family and friends in Tasmania. Each day was dedicated to learning new things about myself and my baby as we both grew into new people. Showering when I could, eating when I remembered to and never sleeping when the baby slept. My partner and I were living away from home to start his career in Journalism, so it was super hard for me to leave the house unless he was home – which anyone working in Journalism will understand is scarce. I bought myself a treadmill to use at home but found it way too high intensity for my abilities at that time. I started scrounging through YouTube for the best ‘ultimate ab workout’ to get my ‘pre baby’ body back, but nothing worked. Nothing spoke to me and my best method of fitness. Pre baby I was running, I was doing yoga, I was swimming, I was doing whatever I could – I loved being and feeling fit. Fitness was integral to my wellbeing. It was a feeling nothing had prepared me for – to exist in the postnatal period and lose that dedication to myself, in exchange for the deepest love I’d ever felt.
My sister-in-law came to visit one day and i shared my frustration around rarely being able to leave the house to workout, and immediately she suggested Fluidform. When she left I signed up for the trial, got my free equipment pack and have never looked back. Fluidform has been transformative in my body and mind. I have two healthy little girls and I have the best body I’ve ever had. Fluidform gave me the chance to feel like myself again, it gave me time to better myself and work on things that were so integral to my health and well-being. Fluidform is such a staple in my life today, I really can’t imagine where I’d be without it.
2. What was your turning point to sign up to the 6 week challenge?
I had taken part in the first 6 week challenge back in 2021 and knew the absolutely incredible transformation it had given me then – so it was a no brainer! When I saw the announcement for FFYB 3.0 I remember saying to my partner ‘oh my god they’re doing another challenge!! And I can do it this time!’ … Very conveniently I was 6 weeks postpartum for the beginning of this challenge, so the timing aligned perfectly! My pregnancy had been so rough, I felt so uncomfortable in my body and had so many aches I’d never had before. So this challenge couldn’t have come at a better time.
3. What did a typical day look like for you during the challenge?
My days started with a wake-up from a 2 year old, breakfast and a coffee along with my vitamins. Each day of my week has a different structure so when I could fit in my workout depended on that day. On my hardest days though, I’d start the day as above, then entertain my toddler and newborn until they both needed to sleep, then around midday would be my chance to commit to my workouts. Of course, a newborn and a toddler make having plans laughable sometimes, so often this would change. If the day didn’t go to plan, once both girls were in bed at night, that was my Fluidform time. Each day I nourished myself with a salad, complex carbohydrate for energy and some sort of protein for lunch. I absolutely felt that diet was essential to being able to complete the workouts to their full potential. Plus! Eating well meant I was giving myself the very best in that postnatal period, too.
4. What were your greatest strengths along the way?
I didn’t give up. Some days were so challenging, as I’ve mentioned with a newborn and a toddler. Some days I had to split single workouts into 3 so I could get them done, but that meant I got them done. I suppose with that, I was also dedicated. I think this came from knowing what this challenge can give me if I stay with it and keep pushing.
But oh my goodness, working out with young kids is so hard!
5. What were some challenges you faced?
Kids sicknesses, a baby refusing sleep, a toddler refusing sleep, fluctuating hormones, time – a lack thereof, guilt…. All of the challenges everyone faces on a daily basis. Some days were harder than others, but I found having the structure of Fluidform meant that there was one thing each day that I could rely on to go as planned. When everything else hadn’t gone to plan, committing myself to the workout for the day and getting it done, made me feel great and made whatever else hadn’t gone to plan, not matter. One of the beauriful benefits of the total mind transformation of Fluidform has gifted me.
Favourite FFAH workout:
This is so tough! They are all so good! But, the two (can’t pick just one sorry) I have on rotation the most are – Mini Abs 20 and Mini Arms 12. Super quick and gosh they burn!
Favourite FFAH recipe:
I absolutely love the Buckwheat and Zucchini bread – so versatile and brilliant if you love bread like me. So easy to make too.
One piece of advice to anyone looking to embark on a Fluidform 6 week challenge:
This is hard. There’s so many things I could say and do say to anyone who’ll listen about the benefits of Fluidform. I think the best way I can approach this though, is by giving my past self, before I’d completed any challenges, some advice about what the future looks like. If I could, I would say ‘you’re on your way to feeling the best you’ve ever felt’.
If you’ve read this far, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that committing yourself to Fluidform is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Kee and the team at Fluidform have helped to reshape my life in a way that I will be forever grateful for. I can’t imagine my life without my 20 minutes of Fluidform each day.